
Attia first popped onto the Philly scene with her 2009 EP, Dear Universe. Since then, she’s transplanted to NYC and, along with her solo project, started up a band with Corey Duncan called Strange Parts. Evocative of Imogen Heap and St. Vincent, Taylor’s music is a jumble of layered effects and repetitive chants that carry the listener in a wistful trance.

Latest Release

Space Ghost LP - Attia Taylor

Space Ghost LP

Space Ghost is Attia Taylor’s debut solo album. Named after the star of Hannah-Barbera’s surreal and absurdist cartoon talk show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, the album calls upon the wonder and trauma of childhood to animate songs of discovery and healing. Streaming everywhere and available on vinyl via Lame-O Records

 Additional Music


Strange Parts

Oh God, What A Beautiful Time I Spent in the Wild (2018)

(Brooklyn/Philly) - Strange Parts releases their debut album “Oh God, What a Beautiful Time I Spent in the Wild” on Specious Arts. The album, produced by Jeff Zeigler (War on Drugs / Kurt Vile), offers a timely exploration of psych pop with influences from the likes of Broadcast, Billie Holiday, Serge Gainsbourg, and Ebo Taylor.

In Jeff Zeigler, they found the perfect counterpoint of production to create their beat-driven psych/art pop record. The two members played all of the instruments on the record with key contributions from Zeigler. Their kinetic vibes are evident throughout the record, which moves through a menagerie of sonic landscapes and grooves, with Attia and Corey’s voices guiding the whole experience. The lyrics are equal parts personal and cosmic, lending the album nuanced and complex textures.

Available on Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp.

Press & Media

Flood Magazine

Attia Taylor Looks Back on Late-Teen Romance on New Single “Broad and Cherry”

Brooklyn Vegan

Psych-pop artist Attia Taylor releasing debut LP ‘Space Ghost’

Adam’s World

Check out “Space Ghost,” as Attia Taylor is an artist whose music should be heard coast to coast.


Attia Taylor sets estranged emotions to “weird pop” sounds on nostalgic new single “Space Ghost”

 Contact Attia

Attia is available for interviews, speaking engagements, and partnerships. You can also reach her at